Dele Olaewe, a local business owner of Cure Sports, LLC – an apparel decoration company,
came up with the idea and concept for Small for small Inc. after numerous rejections from many
financial institutions including government run programs due to poor credit status. Hearing about
other small businesses in similar situations Mr. Olaewe decided to create a solution. Mr. Olaewe
found out that every profit made on an order had to be spent in many ways as part of reinvestment.
Even depleted office supplies are hard to replenish and often have to be less prioritized over other
pressing needs. Mr Olaewe also noticed that some of his customers were in the same situation
which made it more difficult to buy branding apparel as they put it on low priority despite knowing
how necessary it is. There’s always a need for small business items that are essential to Cure Sports
growth and if those items could be obtained for free or donated it would allow reinvestment in other
high priority business needs.
This situation led Mr. Olaewe to determine that if he can donate some of his extra apparel to other
struggling small businesses to help with their branding cost, it would allow them to buy it while still
fulfilling other bill payment or reinvestment. And that if his small company can afford to donate his
excesses, other bigger and thriving businesses can do the same. As a determined entrepreneur,
dedicated to the success of his small business, Mr. Olaewe had to take on a full time 3rd shift
employment to subsidize and maintain his company, a task many other struggling small business
owners take to making their businesses a success. Talking to many of these small businesses while
prospecting, Mr. Olaewe finds that there’s a need for donated business items that would be useful
and helpful to the business bottom line.
The main goal of Small for small Inc is to help small local, unfunded, underfunded and or struggling businesses with needed donated items from bigger and thriving local businesses and as part of one business village dedicated to helping each other succeed. We also offer a number of different business referral services, including back office management, accounting and bookkeeping assistance, business writing for business plans, reports and templates, marketing and advertising services, mentor opportunities with high-level executives, and many more.
To provide the opportunities and resources that will enable
Unfunded and Underfunded businesses to prosper through
Free donated business items, support services and referrals,
networking, Promotions, collaboration and advocacy
To be the leading membership small business organization that
connects many of the “very” small businesses to foster opportunity,
development and growth in their communities